Potato Cop

Status: Long Hiatus


The Why:

I was just really bored and needed something to do. Also potatos are kinda cute.

The How

Potato Cop was written in good ol' JavaScript using the ct.js game engine. All assets were drawn with Aseprite.

Cool Stuff

Game dev is NOT easy. This had to be one of the most interesting yet excrutiating projects.

This project gave me new-found respect to all game developers. Having to deal with collision and making sure there are no wall clippings was bad enough. Having to account for frame rate on top of that is just nuts! If I had a dollar for everytime my potatoes bug out of the map, I'd be rich.

Worst part of it all wasn't even the development portion. It was having to draw every single asset by myself. Albeit, I did draw everything with a mouse. Still, this was the biggest time sink.